Monday 24 September 2007

The good, the bad and the sporty

Twenty20 is over. What a final, what a tournament! Whether you are a Cricket traditionalist or not (and I am well on the fence- loving all forms of the game) this World Cup had everything. The needle in the middle, the amazing crowds (contrast with the One Day World Cup), loads of entertainment and a spectacle for a finish.

The Rugby World Cup, although throwing up few surprises, is also entertaining. The crowds cheer on the underdog- who are in several cases playing better than the favourites (someone let Argentina into the Tri-Nations)- and there is some great Rugby being played- although not by the Northern Hemisphere.

The only real downer to each of the above is the cast iron certainty of boredom and bewilderment whenever England take the field. Take the T20 against India. Freddie stepped across the wicket every ball- and got it wrong every ball! When we were in trouble, we put Snape in. I have nothing against Snape, but he is not a hitter and hadnt played thus far. Why not Mascarenhas or even Broad?
As for the Rugby, someone tell me why we left Flood and Geraghty at home! And why is our pack still half-full of cart-horses like Corry. Basically, the attitude of the Six Nations Teams seems to be that forwards are for trying to bash walls down with and backs are there to make up the numbers. New Zealand weren't that pretty against Scotland, but what a dynamic pack, what strength in the backs and what quality on the bench.

Apart from a big Yeehah!!! that the Gooners are up where they belong- sporting rant over

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Who' d have thunk it?

It seems that Terrorism and union activity have done what no Government campaign could achieve- a potentially healthier London!

After 7/7 (a stupid DJ-ish soundbite for a distinctly nasty and profound event), bicycle use in London went up something like 400%.

Today the tubes are mainly closed, due to industrial action by Metronet maintenance staff. The upshot is that the buses can't cope with the numbers and the parks and pavements are full of people walking. Several of them look unhappy- probably the same people that think Ken should cancel the Congestion Charge and let people park wherever they want on such days (cos that will really get you home quicker- idiots). Many, however, look quite serene and are chatting away with people they would usually ignore on the Tube. They are ambling along, taking the air in the parks (which, admittedly, makes it harder for all the post- terrorism cyclists, but you cant have everything) and enjoying it. So what if the dinner is an hour late and you miss some mind-numbing TV - GOOD!
I wonder how many of them will take a look at themselves and think,'Actually, I like this walking lark- think I'll do it more often'.

So, how do we do those other things that Government campaigns fail to deliver? Such as Healthy Eating. How about all the people who work in Fast food restaurants(?) and ready-meals factories going on strike, forcing us to buy fresh produce. Brilliant- Go on, guys!

(Metronet is a prime example of the worst of PFI, where my own Central Line was closed for many weekends for essential engineering work which never actually took place. Metronet have now gone into administration because they were crap. I have a lot of sympathy for the workers but none for the company itself, and I rejoice in the hope that Londoners may now get something better.)